
Delivery information

When will I receive my delivery?

Orders received before 16.00 are packed and usually sent the same (or next) weekday from our warehouse, provided that the goods are in stock and payment or credit check approved. We hire Postnord, Schenker and DHL, and in some cases courier companies, for delivery.

Track with package number

You will receive your parcel number by email.

Our delivery methods

Delivery to companies

Delivery usually takes place within 1 working day. The delivery may have a maximum weight of 35 kg.

Delivery usually takes place within 1 working day. The delivery may have a maximum weight of 35 kg.

If your delivery address is a post box or has a box postal number, the item is delivered by postal package to Postnord's delivery point, delivery is not included in this service.

Delivery to agents

Delivery to an agent Delivery to an agent near you usually takes place within 1-3 working days. An additional delivery date may apply. Notification is sent via e-mail, text message or letter when the package is available for collection. The total delivery time may therefore vary. The delivery may have a maximum weight of 20 kg.